New to the Sport?
Considering a new sport can be an exciting time for anyone and the thought of holding a firearm and firing it can be exhilarating. Shooting sports require composure and self-control and are not just about strength or fitness. This means shooting can be for anybody and are the most easily adaptable sports for all participants. Shooting not only promotes health and well-being but can also help build many physical attributes such as hand-eye coordination.
Becoming a Member
Whether you are new to the sport or seasoned participant, all prospective members wishing to join the club must undergo a probationary period. At the start of the probationary period prospective members will be required to attend an Induction Session. The probation period is a minimum of three months. During probation the prospective member must attend at least five times to shoot under supervision, and with tuition and instruction as may be appropriate, and is encouraged to take part in a competition if possible. To complete the probation there is an interview (not too daunting) with a committee member.
Wednesday evenings are club nights, catering for prospective new members and probationers. If you would like to join or just to enquire, come up to the club on a Wednesday evening, ideally between 6.30 and 8, for a show-round and a chat and to start the application process. It is helpful if you let us know beforehand by using the contact facility on this site, but not at all essential.
After COVID, although not quite back to normal operation, we are able and pleased to accept new members. The first Wednesday evening of each month is now a club night catering for prospective new members and probationers. If you would like to join or just to enquire, come up to the club on the first Wednesday of any month, ideally between 7 and 8 p.m. for a show-round and a chat and to start your application. It is helpful if you let us know beforehand by using the contact facility on this site, but by no means essential
Subscription renewals
click below to see current fees and charges